Monthly Archives: 12月 2009

12/28/09 Flora_靈程札記:數算、把握



詩篇90:4 在你看來,千年如已過的昨日,又如夜間的一更。90:12 求你指教我們怎樣數算自己的日子,好叫我們得著智慧的心。90:17願你堅立我們手所做的工;我們手所做的工,願你堅立。





2010 Vision

12/18/2009_MCBC_CoworkerMeeting Minutes



McKinney Chinese Baptist Church (MCBC)

Co-workers’ Meeting Minutes

Present: Pastor Wang, Pauline Wang, Vivian Jiang, Min Olivieri, Chia-Min Fu, Flora Chen



2007年王牧師與方中姊妹在Arlington Chinese Baptist Church參加植堂訓練。第一次聚會是12/1/2007在蔣維姊妹的家,持續每兩週一次的查經,至今已兩年零18天。我們的異象是在McKinney建立教會。我們看見潛力、方向、熱情與決定。

In 2007, Pastor Wang & Sister Flora attended church planting training at Arlington Chinese Baptist Church. The first fellowship in McKinney was held in Sister Vivian’s house on 12/1/2007.  With every other week’s bible study, it has been 2 years and 18 days.  Our vision in McKinney is to establish a church.  We see the potential, direction, passion & decision.


From he viewpoint of Carrollton Chinese Church, they enter into the 2010 vision of “enlarge God’s Kingdom” from 2009 vision of “No Longer the same life”.  We decided to establish a Chinese Baptist church in McKinney.


  1. 教會的發展觀Viewpoint of church development:
    1. 更像耶穌。Be more like Jesus.
    2. 生命的見證吸引人來到耶穌面前。To attract people to come to Jesus through our life testimony.
    3. 神國度的擴展:讓神在心中掌權。To enlarge God’s kingdom.  Let God administer our heart.
  2. 計畫Plan:
    1. 主日崇拜:1/3/10 2:00-3:00pm 開始每週主日崇拜。地點在蔣維姊妹的家。

Sunday Worship: Starting on 1/3/10 2:00-3:00pm at Sister Vivian’s house.

  1. 講道:1/3, 1/10 王保羅牧師

              1/17, 1/24, 1/31 將由袁石牧師或蔣煉牧師講道。

                Preaching: 1/3, 1/10 Pastor Paul Wang

                                 1/17,1/24,1/30 Rev. Lian Jiang or Rev. Luke Yuan will preach.

  1. 成人主日學Adult Sunda school:

                            i.                課程:靈命造就  老師:高方中姊妹

Course: Spiritual Formation   Teacher: Sister Flora Chen

                          ii.                課程目的Purpose of the course:

  • 學會靈修以領受神的話。To receive God’s words through devotion practice.
  • 學會寫靈程札記以操練與神同在。To learn to write spiritual journal and to practice experiencing the presence of God.
  • 學會調整與神的關係。To learn to adjust the relationship with God.

                        iii.                時間:每主日3:00-4:00pm Time: Sunday 3-4pm

  1. 兒童主日學Children Sunday school:

                            i.                內容:聖經故事、詩歌讚美、勞作、遊戲

Contents: Bible story, praise, craft & game

                          ii.                教師:丁成意姊妹負責

Teacher: Sister Sandy Ting will coordinate.

  1. 教會異象Vision of church:
    1. 作主門徒 (大使命的核心)Discipleship (the core of great commission)

                            i.                讓聖靈掌管,改變價值觀。Let Holy Spirit to be in charge of our lives.  To change the value of life.

  1. 五個園地 5 aspects
    1. 講壇 Preaching
    2. 主日學 Sunday school
    3. 網絡連結 Internet connection
    4. 肢體團契:電話關心、禱告 Fellowship: phone caring, prayer
    5. 傳福音 Evangelism
  2. 教會的特點 distinguishing features


MCBC is a mission church.  It is a evangelical, enlarging God’s Kingdom church.  It is a church that brothers & sisters who write spiritual or devotion journal.

  1. 目前教會建立的實況 Current church status
    1. 已向國稅局申請好EIN (Employer Identification Number)

EIN has been applied.

  1. 已呈交教會章程申請表Form 202給Secretary of State

Form 202 has been filed to Secretary of State (to incorporate the church)

  1. 正在進行國稅局免稅等的申請表

IRS Form 1023 is in the preparing stage.

  1. 王牧師決定不在教會領工資,若弟兄姊妹認同王牧師在差會的事工和在MCBC的服事,奉獻支票可寫給:(按國稅局的規定,支票上不要寫王牧師)

Pastor Paul Wang decided not to receive salary from church.  If brothers & sisters identify Pastor Wang’s mission ministry & serving in MCBC, they can write the offering check to the following address.  Please do not write Pastor Wang’s name on the check per IRS rule.

Chinese Christian Business Association (CCBA)
6161 Savoy Drive, Suite 1030
Houston, Texas 77036

  1. 教會的需要 Church’s needs:     
    1. 禱告:每天為教會日後的發展禱告、為牧師、將要來的新朋友禱告、為弟兄姊妹的靈命禱告、為其他的需要禱告。

Prayer: To pray for church’s development, pastor and new friends, Brothers & sisters’ spiritual lives & other needs.

  1. 教會結構Church’s structure:
    1. 教牧同工會:王保羅牧師、王師母、高方中姊妹

Pastoral staffs: Pastor Paul Wang, Pauline Wang, Flora Chen

  1. 同工會:王牧師、王師母、高方中、蔣維、朱敏、丁成意、劉安琍 (會議召集人:高方中)

Co-workers: Pastor Paul Wang, Pauline Wang, Flora Chen, Vivian Jiang, Min Olivieri, Sandy Ting, Anli Liu (Person to call the meeting: Flora)

  1. 成人主日學:高方中姊妹負責 Adult Sunday school coordinator: Flora Chen
  2. 兒童主日學:丁成意姊妹負責 Children Sunday school coordinator: Sandy Ting
  3. 青少年:高方中姊妹負責 Youth: Flora
  4. 教會會章(Bylaw)的目的 Purpose of bylaw
    1. 幫助弟兄姊妹知道做事的原則 To help brothers & sisters know the principles of doing things
    2. 簡單:不凌駕在聖經之上 Be simple: not to overtop Bible.
    3. 不寫別人的會章,只寫MCBC的會章 Not to write others’ bylaw.  We only write the bylaw of MCBC.
    4. 會章將逐年修改 To be modified yearly.
  5. 原則 Principle
    1. 教會沒有老闆,耶穌基督是我們的元首。遇到大事時,大家彼此同心合意禱告,以聖經為準則。There is no boss in the church.  Jesus Christ is our sovereign.
  6. 價值觀 Value
    1. 大家可以提意見,但不以不同的意見為堅持。彼此順服、彼此相愛互相連結。Everyone can give his/her opinion or suggestion, but does not insist on his/her different opinion.  To unite with obedience and loving each other.
    2. 有話當面講,不要背後說。Speak in front of people.  Do not talk behind.
    3. MCBC無是非,有坦言、有順服。No gossip in MCBC, but obedience & frankly sharing.
    4. 有是非時,最傷心的是耶穌。When gossip occurs, it hurts Jesus Christ the most.