Category Archives: 2008 Mission Trip

4/8/08 Flora to Kirsten re:Yilan Sunday worship rehearsal schedule

From: Flora Chen
Date: Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 11:55 AM
Subject: Yilan Sunday worship songs rehearsal schedule
To:, paul wang , Flora Chen , Don Laing

Dear Kirsten,

Pauline & I are planning to have rehearsal with you for Yilan Sunday worship. The following is the rehearsal schedule. Please let us know if this works for you. Thank you very much to co-work with us.

4/18 & 5/2 Friday night 7:00 – 7:30pm
4/25 Friday night 6:00-6:30pm

May God bless you.

In Him,



格拉森-大甲 佈道的屬靈原則 (馬可福音5:1-20):








八、無論世人說什麼,福音總是傳開了,即使被人趕出境,福音種子留下了。(可5:16, 17)



七有佈道法7 Grace

  1. 《有真神》講神的創造God’s creation:羅馬書 Roman 1:19-20  神 的 事 情 、 人 所 能 知 道 的 、 原 顯 明 在 人 心 裡 . 因 為   神 已 經 給 他 們 顯 明 。自 從 造 天 地 以 來 、   神 的 永 能 和 神 性 是 明 明 可 知 的 、 雖 是 眼 不 能 見 、 但 藉 著 所 造 之 物 、 就 可 以 曉 得 、 叫 人 無 可 推 諉 .
  2. 《有罪人》世人都犯了罪We all have sin:羅馬書 Roman3:23-24因 為 世 人 都 犯 了 罪 、 虧 缺 了   神 的 榮 耀 。如 今 卻 蒙   神 的 恩 典 、 因 基 督 耶 穌 的 救 贖 、 就 白 白 的 稱 義 。
  3. 《有盼望》罪要靠耶穌Only Jesus can save our sin:羅馬書 Roman6:23因 為 罪 的 工 價 乃 是 死 . 惟 有   神 的 恩 賜 、 在 我 們 的 主 基 督 耶 穌 裡 、 乃 是 永 生 。
  4. 《有救恩》因信稱義You believe and are justified:羅馬書 Roman10:9-10你 若 口 裡 認 耶 穌 為 主 、 心 裡 信   神 叫 他 從 死 裡 復 活 、 就 必 得 救 .因 為 人 心 裡 相 信 、 就 可 以 稱 義 . 口 裡 承 認 、 就 可 以 得 救 。
  5. 《有恩典》白白得來Free to receive:弗Eph. 2:8-9你 們 得 救 是 本 乎 恩 、 也 因 著 信 、 這 並 不 是 出 於 自 己 、 乃 是   神 所 賜 的 .也 不 是 出 於 行 為 、 免 得 有 人 自 誇 。
  6. 《有確據》肯定確据Assurance:約John 6:47我 實 實 在 在 的 告 訴 你 們 、 信 的 人 有 永 生 。問對方:你確定你得救了嗎?
  7. 《有耶穌》獨一真神Only God:徒 Acts 4:12 除 他 以 外 、 別 無 拯 救 . 因 為 在 天 下 人 間 、 沒 有 賜 下 別 的 名 、 我 們 可 以 靠 著 得 救 。

Jeff & Jinjie to CCC regarding 2008 mission trip

From: Jeff Hinkle [] Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2008 11:02 PMTo: Mike Lei; revwang75007@yahoo.comSubject: Jing Jie – Mission trip

Hi Brothers:

Jing Jie was considering going on the China Mission trip. I talked with her a lot about it.

I told her that if she was going to go, she had to go for the right reason – First to serve God and His people. In talking with her, we both agreed that she had mixed reasons for wanting to go.

Thus, we decided it best not for her to go this year. As you know, it takes time for a young Christian to mature – you can’t force or push them.

We are glad that we can share this with you.

Jeff & Jing Jie

Yi Lan mission Trip 01 from Pastor Don

Dear All:

Regrarding the Yilan Mission trip preparation this Sunday The team members will receive their training schedule, reveiw expectations, assignments, review the tract to use this year, choose songs to use during the school and during church. Discuss the program schedule in the English Camp and in the evenings program at the churches.

Responsibilities already covered:

Reciepts – Pauline Wang
Adminstration- Flora Chen
Sunday Song leader- Flora Chen
Sunday Pianist- Kirsten Wang
Handbook- Flora Chen

Roles to confirm:
Lesson, Craft and memory verse leaders: (Youth)
Translators: (Adults)
Choregraph Children Songs movements:_____________
Lead Games:
Purchase Crafts materials:
Type up Songs:
Lead Songs:

Songs to be confirmed:
2008 CCC Song for Childrenʼs Program
Song #1 “First”
Song # 2 “Just Say No”
Song #3 “Children Obey Your Parents”
Song # 4 “Clap Clap Clap” Silly Song (Ice break time)
Song #5 “Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle” Silly Song (Ice Break time)
Song #6 “I just want to be a Sheep Baa Baa Baa Baa” fun song for church
Song #7 “I’m Feeling Good”
If you have any suggestions or thoughts please share.

Pastor Don

4/2/08 From Flora to Pastor Liu

From: Flora Chen
Date: 2008/4/2
Subject: Yilan short term mission
To: 劉雅貞JaneLiu Cc: Don Laing , paul wang , Flora Chen

Dear Pastor Liu,

How are you?

The following informations & question are for the upcoming Yilan short term mission:
1) Our mission team has 3 youth and 5 adults.

2) Please quote & arrange the transportation like last year for 4 people from the airport to Yilan. (Arrival information: 6/12 國泰CX0530 10:55am)

3) ZW elementary school expected attendance?

4) Based on the number of our mission team, Pastor Don suggests that we may be able to manage 3 classrooms.

Thanks & God bless,




1:20 上帝一切的應許在基督身上都成為「是」了。因此,我們藉著他說「阿們」來榮耀上帝。1:21 上帝向你我保證,我們生活在基督裏面;他把我們分別出來,1:22 在我們身上蓋上了他的印記,並且賜下聖靈在我們心裏,作為他為我們所預備的一切的擔保。(林後1:20-22) 聖靈降臨在你們身上,你們就必得著能力,並要在耶路撒冷、猶太全地,和撒馬利亞,直到地極,作我的見證。(徒1:8)








賽6:8 我又聽見主的聲音說:「我可以差遣誰呢?誰肯為我們去呢?我說:「我在這裏,請差遣我!」





剛好一月份方中教主日學,說要學會寫靈程札記,靈程札記就是把自己想要對神說的話跟神說,以此親近神、靠近神。我就對神說:「主啊!您在這個時候給我的是一個驚喜,還是您的呼召?」二月份夢蓓教主日學,說到〝神的兒子,耶穌基督,呼召的主〞。其實主每時每刻都在呼召著我,就看我願不願意聽從主的呼召。主啊!在我的心裏有太多太多的負擔,擔心這個、擔心那個。〝若有人要跟從我,就當捨己,背起他的十字架,來跟從我。〞(馬太福音16:24)主對我說:「我的恩典夠你用的,因為我的能力是在人的軟弱上顯的完全。」所以我更喜歡誇自己的軟弱,好叫基督的能力覆庇我。 (林後12:9)這兩段經文給了我很大的鼓舞,也是我的精神支柱。參加短宣吧!還猶豫什麼呢?


Kristian’s testimony 2008 mission trip

My Testimony

After my exhausting day at the 30 hr famine, I realized that it was very ironic that I was helping out the African children with aids. The Africans may need more physical attention than the Taiwanese people do, but the isle of Formosa has the most amounts of idols. They are basically condemned to eternal burning in hell. Most of them have never even heard of Jesus Christ! I have physically shared their Spiritual hunger, so I partially know how they feel, But I know that spiritual hunger is causes much more agony then physical hunger. God has blessed me with a family that is very spiritual. Except right now I don’t feel like writing this. I pray earnestly that I may concentrate on this. I also wish to clear out my mind of the little things that I view of great importance at the moment. I hope God will allow me to open my eyes through this trip and think what is really important in my life. Also I want God to help me be humble and increase my thirst for him. Recently my health is not well and I have been very ornery to some of my friends. I hope the trip will foster me in good loving Christian group of friends. Even Though Jesus has tells us to ask, seek, and knock, I feel very demanding each time I beg him for something, or tell him that I will do something and I don’t. When I ask for forgiveness, I sometimes still have a bad feeling. So at this trip, I ask God to forgive me of my past sins and my coming ones. I think that this trip will be influential to me and to anyone who goes as the last trip was. Walking side by side with God is always an amazing experience!