Daily Archives: 4月 10, 2008

College preparing for the youth

From: lian jiang [mailto:lianjiang@hotmail.com] Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 4:55 PMTo: xing wangSubject: college stuff

Dear Rev. Wang Xing: Here are websites about college application:

Junior year: http://www.collegeboard.com/student/plan/action/juniors.html

Summer before senior http://www.collegeboard.com/student/apply/the-application/23626.html

Financial aid calendar : http://www.collegeboard.com/student/pay/scholarships-and-aid/23642.html

Blessings, Jiang

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CCC 6/15/2008 主日崇拜Sunday worship in壯圍教會




我的主 我心愛祢我的主 我渴慕祢
願祢愛 來吸引我 使我心 單單愛祢
哦耶穌 我需要祢 煉淨我 完全屬祢
願祢愛 來摸著我 使我心 全然屬祢

我的主 我心愛祢我的主 我渴慕祢
願祢愛 來吸引我 使我心 單單愛祢
哦耶穌 我需要祢 煉淨我 完全屬祢
願祢愛 來摸著我 使我心 全然屬祢

高唱主 我愛祢 高舉我雙手來讚美祢
我的心充滿歡喜 我要歌唱來頌揚祢
高唱哈利路亞 我的心充滿歡欣
高唱主我愛祢 我一生要讚美祢

高唱主 我愛祢 高舉我雙手來讚美祢
我的心充滿歡喜 我要歌唱來頌揚祢
高唱哈利路亞 我的心充滿歡欣
高唱主我愛祢 我一生要讚美祢



我心切切渴慕你主,我要緊緊跟隨你,你恩典與慈愛永無止息,你信實直到永遠, 我王我的神,因你奇妙聖名,獻上我的讚美,
耶穌,主耶穌,求用我一生, 耶穌,主耶穌,求用我一生。
我心深深向你敬拜,我靈渴慕你榮光,我完全相信你寶貴應許,我在你懷中安息, 要向世人歌唱你的恩典,直到我見你面, 耶穌,主耶穌,求用我一生, 耶穌,主耶穌,求用我一生。



4/6/08 Pastor Don’s devotioin journal

Pastor Don’s Devotions

Colossians 1:1-14

Lord I can sense the joy that Saint Paul was experiencing as I read this letter. What an exciting time to be able to see in tangible ways the life of the Savior bearing fruit in the lives of other believers. To be able to sense the expansion of God’s Word work its way from the small city of Jerusalem to all over the world. What a remarkable time to live in. Father please allow us to see the work your Spirit through our lives in our communities.

Lord help me to continue to testify of your love in my neighborhood. Lord I pray for the youth anoint them with your Spirit to spread the gospel. Lord please use me to teach them your word and your ways. Let us see you move among us. Give us humble hearts and unified hearts that those who visit us may see the working of our God in our lives. Lord I pray the same for my family. I feel my testimony is weakest when I loose patience with those whom I love. Help me to lead with my ears and not my mouth (James) Lord, thank you for this past mission conference and the opportunity to host Tom in our home. Thank you for the chance for our children to spend time with him and get to now the father of Caleb, for whom they have been praying . Lord, please watch over their family and little Caleb.

4/9/08 Pastor Don’s devotion journal

Pastors Devotions
2 Chronicles 15-16

As I read this passage, I was reminded how appetite can literally drive our lives. This time mine in particular. Even after having eaten a nice meal I had a hankering for certain food, so much so that I took our family +1 on a slight detour. It had been ages or so it seemed since I’d last had cheesecake like cheesecake factory. Why do i share this? Well as I read this passage. I was reminded of how when we hunger for something we’ll really put our energy into seeking what we hunger for. As for the Israelites in those days the true God was out of sight and mind of most Israelites. However, when God reminded King Asa through his prophet of His promises. After that the hunger for God had captured Asa and he sought after Him and found Him. But not only did he find God, but Asa was able to return the tribes of Judah and Benjamin back to their true God.

If your appetite is not with God and his Word and you lack His peace and strength, God invites me you all of us to return to him daily. I’m always amazed at how quickly I can get caught up in the work of God and yet miss the sweetness of my savor who I serve. The lord reminds me “I am with you when you are with (me)”.

May you use me to bring you daily into the lives of my home, church and community. God may you satisfy each of us as we turn to you. I pray for those who are struggling to continue their devotions or maybe even just begin. May your Spirit affirm your words in their hearts that You are with them when they are with you.

Lord I pray for our mission team that you will establish and strengthen Cathryn, Kristian, and Kirsten as well as Sister Flora, Brother James and Sister Pauline. May you grant us a strong bond of unity and desire to see your will done through our lives. Thank you Lord that when we are with You you are with us. And I pray for those who remain that they will see that we are one body and grant them the vision to see that there work of prayer here binds them together with us in the building of your kingdom. Help us to be diligent in our preparations of our lessons and activities and prepare ourselves in prayer to be useful in Your hands.

4/9/08 涂季平James Too – Before Short Term Mission testimony

傳道者說:”虛空的虛空, 虛空的虛空, 凡事都是虛空, 人一切的勞苦,就是他在日光之下的勞碌,有甚麼益處呢?”(傳道書1:2~1:3.) 在傳道書開始的描寫,看似灰色的,宿命的言語, 卻在提醒我們一生中應該隨時追尋一特定有意義的目標。而這目標又是甚麼呢? 傳道書的結語也給我們很好的答案: “這些事都已聽見了,總意就是敬畏 神,謹守他的誡命, 這是人當盡的本分” (傳道書12:13)。 神的命令就是大使命, 及愛人。 我們在生命中, 隨時提醒自己要完成這兩項命令。

今年以來,常常參加或聽到一些弟兄的追悼惜別會,所以更加思考生命的意義的問題,這似乎是大哉問的問題,在我們基督徒卻應該很確認的事情—生命的意義就是大使命及愛人。當今年我有機會再度參加短宣, 這是神的恩典,這也是讓生命有開花結果的機會。我將我參加的感動寫下,更期盼再度豐豐富富體驗與神同在的感覺。


涂季平 寫于台南 4/9/2008

4/9/08 Helen’s first page

This is my first page!